Cultuur Gent

The cultural service of the city of Ghent
De grote AVL-man ©Michiel Devijver


The AVL man came to Ghent during the major open-air exhibition ‘Over The Edges’ (2000), and was subsequently purchased by the City of Ghent. In 2006, he found his home on the redeveloped E3-plein square in Ledeberg.

In the summer of 2022, the AVL man briefly returned to his creators, Atelier Van Lieshout (AVL) in Rotterdam. After having been exposed to the elements for more than twenty years, the sculpture needed a facelift. 

Several AVL men exist in various cities and countries. The sculptures are reminiscent of the iconic emergency exit figure. They all share a heart-shaped head and lack hands and feet. Our AVL man surprises, puts a smile on your face and loves seeing you play: you’re allowed to climb and clamber on this work of art!