Cee pil
The St Maria Goretti church and its surroundings will be transformed into a park and meeting place for the neighbourhood and for the school. The idea for a mural was the result of a co-creation process involving local residents and the city authorities. The work had to fit in with the park, the school, the play area, the children's farm ... On the basis of these criteria, Cultuur Gent presented a number of proposals from artists on which the residents could vote during the Winter Festival of December 2018.
Cee Pil’s work was chosen by the public. It is a child-friendly design including references to the school's logo, nature and birth.
The artist often goes in search of the contrast between culture and nature. He disrupts quiet, beautiful images of wildlife with surrealistic, almost digital-looking effects. These are meant to make spectators reflect on how people, animals and plants live together.