Femmages - Odes aan vrouwen
For the fourth edition of the Sorry, Not Sorry festival, Hanse Cora created 6 small works called “femmages”: painted broken paving stones conceived as portraits of women in the street.
Hanse Cora paints broken paving stones he finds in the street. He takes them with him, turns them into a portrait and hangs them on the façade of the woman for whom the Femmage is made.
They represent the “woman in the street” who, almost invisibly, gives meaning to a person, neighbourhood, group ... They can be mothers, grandmothers, (grand)daughters, sisters (in law), neighbours, teachers … At first glance, the image appears to be a broken and painted paving stone, but when you look more closely, you’ll recognise a woman in swimsuit.
Other work from Hanse Cora in the neighbourhood: Arsenaalstraat 2, Arsenaalstraat 79, Heidestraat 8 and Priesterstraat 24-26.