Who is the king of the birds?
In English folklore, we find a story about the old world in which the birds one day decided that the one who could fly highest for the longest time would be crowned as king of all birds.
Ducks, blackbirds and smaller birds soon gave up while the eagle soared high into the sky without difficulty. Just when he was about to stop, a little sparrow flew up from between the eagle’s wings.
This way, the humble sparrow was able to beat the mightiest and strongest bird.
It is a moralistic story for the pupils of Odisee Hogeschool Technologiecampus Gent: you will rise up to any challenge as long as you look for a creative solution.
Kitsune Jolene (Jolien De Waele) is a street artist from Ghent. She made her debut in 2017, and her work can now be seen not only in Belgium but also in Portugal and Dubai. She paints mostly women, animals and plants combined with references to other cultures and myths.
Kitsune is the Japanese word for “fox”, but it can also be translated as “fox spirit”. Kitsune is an important figure in Japanese mythology that possesses supernatural powers and can assume a human form. It is mischievous, playful, neither good nor bad, but usually wants to do what is right.