Gdansk School of Murals ©Michiel Devijver
Jan Palfijnstraat received a joyful patch of colour in 2015. During the 2015 Flemish Week in Gdansk arose the idea of an exchange. Three Polish artists – Jacek Zdybel, Aleksandra Lech and Rafal Roskowinski - part of the artists’ collective and training centre Gdansk School of Murals created an artwork in Ghent, after which two KASK students did the same in Gdansk.
In the mural on a wall of Zaal Cocteau, French poet and artist Jean Cocteau is displayed in a forest, with his reflection as a mythical creature up in heaven. This dreamy image refers to the surreal style present in Cocteau’s works, in particular in his films. It is a beautiful homage that cheers up the entire street!