Cultuur Gent

The cultural service of the city of Ghent
peuterwandeling ©Michiel Devijver

Street art tour for toddlers

Day-care centre Tierlantuin and the Rabot community workers joined forces, and the end result is a street-art tour for toddlers, peppered with stories written by local residents, parents of young children and young people from the neighbourhood. With this tour, they want to make street art accessible to families with young children. At the same time, up-and-coming artists get the chance to show their creations to a wide audience.

The murals, graffiti and window paintings can be seen throughout the multicultural Rabotwijk neighbourhood, located in the centre of Ghent.  Parents can go for a walk with their kids guided by a brochure. It is freely available at day-care centre Tierlantuin, the Rabot community centre and the Rabot neighbourhood health centre, in Dutch, French, English and Turkish. Via QR codes, they can listen to the accompanying stories.